Research & Development

Staff Publications

Sl.No. Name of Faculty Title Name of the Journal
2. Bibhu Prasad Sahu Future of healthcare using Artificial Intelligence NCRAT 2021
3. Bibhu Prasad Sahu CMBA-SVM: a clinical approach for Parkinson disease diagnosis International Journal of Information Technology:
Vol: 13; Iss: 4
4. Bhupesh Deka Mobile technology solutions for Covid 19 Emerging Technologies for Battling Covid-19, Studies in System, Decision and Control:
Vol: 324
5. Jagannath Ray A Survey Paper on Gene Selection approaches NCRAT 2021
6. Jyotsnarani Tripathy A systematic study on data augmentation strategies for cancer detection using DW-MRI and convolutional neural network. NCRAT 2021
7. Jyotsnarani Tripathy A Preface to Big Data Utilization NCRAT 2021
9. Sasmita Pani
Test Case Generation of Course Registration System Using Model Based Testing NCRAT 2021
10. Sasmita Pani Defining Metrices and Building Linear Regression Model in Different Context Elements for Mobile Native App Development NCRAT 2021
11. Manmath Nath Das
12. Manmath Nath Das
Impact of Electronic Devices and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Human Health and Behavioral Success NCRAT 2021
13. Manmath Nath Das
A systematic study on data augmentation strategies for cancer detection using DW-MRI and convolutional neural network. NCRAT 2021
14. Pratyush Ranjan Mohapatra
A Recommendation System For farmers Using Data Mining NCRAT 2021
15. Saroj Kumar Rout
Google Application Engine (GAE): The Next Hype of Cloud Computing NCRAT 2021
16. Saroj Kumar Rout Artificial Neural Networks & IoT Based Disaster Management System NCRAT 2021
17. Saroj Kumar Rout Minimization of Collision Through Retransmission and Optimal Power Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Advances in Communication ICAC-2020
18. Saroj Kumar Rout Neural Network for Performance Prediction of Biogas Production from Municipal Solid Wastes In Data Driven Approach Towards Disruptive Technologies: Proceedings of MIDAS 2020
19. Saroj Kumar Rout M-Throttled: Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm for Cloud Computing International Conference on Intelligent and Cloud Computing
20. Satya Sobhan Panigrahi Model-driven Automatic Paths Generation and Test Case Optimization Using Hybrid FA-BC 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), IEEE
21. Satya Sobhan Panigrahi Generation of Test Cases for Object-Oriented Systems: A Survey NCRAT-2021
22. Smruti Ranjan Swain
A Study Report on Various Classification Algorithms Using Data mining Applications NCRAT-2021
23. Sujit Kumar Panda
Low Cost Wi-Fi Service Robot NCRAT-2021
24. Sujit Kumar Panda An Automated Traffic Control System for Reducing Traffic Density in Busy Traffic Junctions. NCRAT-2021
1. Archana Panda Alpha Analysis of Cloud Security Enhancement USing ML Approach Dubai International Conference; Vol: 67; Iss: 9
2. Amrutanshu Panigrahi Efficient Role of Machine Learning Classifiers in the Prediction and Detection of Breast Cancer
3. Bibhu Prasad Sahu Efficient Role of Machine Learning Classifiers in the Prediction and Detection of Breast Cancer
4. Bibhu Prasad Sahu Multi-Tier Hybrid Feature Selection by Combining Filter and Wrapper for Subset Feature Selection in Cancer Classification International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing
5. Pratyush Ranjan Mohapatra
Unsupervised Learning Based Stock Price Recommendation using Collaborative Filtering IJITEE Vol: 8; Iss: 11
6. Sasmita Pani A Crow Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Deep Neural Network (CPSO-DNN) for High Dimensional Data Analysis Springer
7. Saroj Kumar Rout
Parametric Optimization of Medical Plastic Wastes Conversion into Transportation Fuel using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
8. Satyajit Nayak
A non-contact frame work based on thermal and visual imaging for classification of affective states during HCI IEEE: Vol 15; Iss 9
9. Satyajit Nayak A real time non-contact HCI frame work for facial expression recognition IEEE: Vol 15; Iss 5
10. Satyajit Nayak
A Versatile Online System for Person-specific Facial Expression Recognition IEEE: Vol 3; Iss 12
11. Satya Sobhan Panigrahi
Test Scenarios Generation Using Combined Object-Oriented Models. In: Automated Software Engineering: A Deep Learning-Based Approach Springer, Cham; Vol 8
12. Sitanath Biswaas
Fog Computing in Healthcare–A Review Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience Vol:20; Iss 2
13. Sitanath Biswaas Firefly algorithm based multilingual named entity recognition for Indian languages Communication in computer and information science, Springer Series
Vol: 1; Iss:1
1. Bibhu Prasad Sahu Ensemble Comparative study for Diagnosis of Breast cancer dataset. International Journal of Engineering & Technology
VOl 7; Iss 4
2. Bibhu Prasad Sahu A Hybrid Approach for Breast Cancer Classification and Diagnosis. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems: Online First Vol:18; Iss:2
3. Bibhu Prasad Sahu MULTI FILTER ENSEMBLE METHOD FOR CANCER PROGNOSIS AND DIAGNOSIS International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology; Vol:4; Iss: 2
4. Bibhu Prasad Sahu A Combo Feature Selection Method (Filter+ Wrapper) for Micro array Gene Classification. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics; VOl: 118 ; Iss 16
5. Sasmita Pani A Novel Approach for Designing Mobile Native Apps Advances in Science, Technology, and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ).; Vol:2; Iss 1
6. Satya Sobhan Panigrahi
Test Scenarios Generation Using UML Sequence Diagram International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT),IEEE
7. Sitanath Biswass
A Hybrid Bootstrapping Approach for developing Odiya Named Entity Corpora from Wikipedia International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET) Vol 7; Iss 4
1. Sasmita Pani Contextual Requirements for Native Mobile App International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA);
Vol: 8; Iss: 11
2. Sasmita Pani Modelling requirements based on contexts for mobile native apps Indian Journal of Science and Technology;
Vol 10: Iss:10
3. Saroj Kumar Rout
A hybrid approach for breast cancer classification and diagnosis EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems
4. Saroj Kumar Rout Energy Efficient Dynamic Node Localization Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks. Indian Journal of Science and Technology
5. Saroj Kumar Rout Ensemble Comparative study for Diagnosis of Breast cancer datasets. International Journal of Engineering & Technology.
6. Sitanath Biswass
Hybrid Multilingual Named Entity Recognition for Indian Languages International Journal of Control Theory and Applications (IJCTA)
Vol: 10; Iss:18
7. Sitanath Biswass
Automatic Text Summarization for Oriya Language Volume International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) Vol: 132; Iss 1
8. Sujit Kumar Panda
Applicability of End Use Method for Long Term Load Forecasting of Islands International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering (IJFRSCE) Vol: 3; Iss: 8
9. Sujit Kumar Panda Long Term Electrical Load Forecasting: An Emperical Study Across Techniques And Domains Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol:10; Iss:26
10. Sujit Kumar Panda Forecasting Methods in Electric Power Sector International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE), IGI Global Vol:7; Iss:1
1. Bhupesh Deka Study on diverse learning management system’s impact in Education system and industries Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems; Vol 1; Iss:8
2. Bhupesh Deka A trivial solution for detection of dropped packets forgery attack via AODV with location based hierarchy in wireless sensor networks International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics; Vol 115; Iss:8
3. Sasmita Pani Building Learning Objects Over Semantic Web International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research
4. Sasmita Pani A Novel Approach for Designing Mobile Native Apps Advances in Science, Technology, and Engineering Systems Journal;
Vol 2; Iss:1
5. Sasmita Pani Modelling requirements based on contexts for mobile native apps Indian Journal of Science and Technology;
Vol:10; Iss:10
6. Sasmita Pani Building Learning Objects Over Semantic Web International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR)
7. Bibhu Prasad Sahu Smart Techniques of Test Coverage of Object Oriented Program International Journal of Computer Science And Technology
8. Saroj Kumar Rout
Node localization by using fuzzy optimization technique in wireless sensor networks 2016 International Conference on Information Technology (InCITe)-The Next Generation IT Summit on the Theme-Internet of Things: Connect your Worlds
9. Saroj Kumar Rout Energy efficient and cost effective secure node localization with key management in wireless sensor networks 2016 5th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions)(ICRITO)
10. Saroj Kumar Rout Channel equalization as an optimization problem 2016 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System
11. Saroj Kumar Rout Efficient Energy Utilization and Node Localization in Dynamic DV-Hop Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Indian Journal of Science and Technology
12. Sitanath Biswaas
GENETIC ALGORITHM BASED MULTILINGUAL NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION FOR INDIAN LANGUAGES 22nd International Symposium Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music, (FRSM) ; Vol: 1; Iss: 1
1. Amitav Saran Design of self-adaptive and equilibrium differential evolution optimized radial basis function neural network classifier for imputed database Pattern Recognition Letters; Vol:80; Iss:4
2. Bibhu Prasad Sahu An Approach for Designing Odia Spell Checker International Journal of Computer Science And Technology
3. Manmath Nath Das An Approach to Real Time Mining of Big Data International Journal of Computer Science And Technology;
Vol: 2; Iss 2
4. Sasmita Pani Modelling Social Aspects of E- agriculture in Semantic Web International Congress on Information and Communication Technology;
Vol:436; Iss 39
5. Sasmita Pani Building Semantics of E-agriculture in India Man and Machine Interfacing,IEEE
6. Sasmita Pani A Novel Approach for Mobile Native App Development using Ontological Design International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications;
Vol: 10; Iss:11
7. Saroj Kumar Rout
Algorithm aspects of dynamic coordination of beacons in localization of Wireless Sensor Networks 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security (CGVIS)
8. Sitanath Biswass
A hybrid Oriya named entity recognition System: Harnessing the power of rule International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE)
Vol: 1; Iss: 1
1. Bibhu Prasad Sahu An A Novel Noise Reduction Method For OCR System International Journal of Computer Science And Technology
2. Jagannath Ray
Gene selection using information theory and statistical approach Indian Journal of Science and Technology;
Vol 8; Iss:8
3. Sitanath Biswass
Improving DDM Performance By Combining Distributed Data Mining And Multi-Agent System International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering
Vol:2; Iss:4

Consultancy Projects

Nameof the faculty



Project Type



Website Development


DrSujit Kumar Panda

JE Training Program


Health Monitoring System


Dr. S Krishna M Rao

Nano Satellite



Course Content Development For Higher Education


ManmathNath Das

Software Development and Maintenance


Sujit Kumar Panda

App Development for KrishiVigyan Kendra, Sakhigopal, PURI.


SmrutiRanjan Swain

Software Development and Maintenance



Software Development and Maintenance



Software Development and Maintenance


Jagannath Ray

Website Development



Software Development and Maintenance


Bibhu Prasad Sahu

Software Development and Maintenance
